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Twitter Inspiration

Channel: Mark Shaw
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Periscope Livestreaming is Twitter on Steroids

Live streaming is not new. It has been around for quite some time, but over the last few weeks 2 new players have emerged that have quite literally made live streaming so easy that anyone anywhere with literally 2 clicks can be live streaming to an audience anywhere in the world.

I am using Periscope aka @periscopeCo which you can also download for free from the App store here:  I am on there as @markshaw

What is so incredible is the ease that you can be live streaming. You just need to connect your Twitter account and that’s it. You can then see if any of your Twitter followers are also on Periscope so you can follow them there as well. Its also great to follow them there as you can if you want to receive a notifications when they do a live stream.

A few years ago, there was a plane crash on the Hudson River in New York, someone was on the bridge and took photos and tweeted about it. After that, Twitter became known as a breaking news service. Periscope moves that onto a whole new level. You can now livestream things. Events, you, taking questions and giving answers, giving behind the scenes of you, your staff, your products, your services, interview people, help others, we are all journalists now, great for celebs, great to meet and make connections with others all over the globe & live stream so many different things. And yes.. I am sure that in time this will be hugely valuable to businesses…

Are there any issues?

Yes.. with livestreaming we have opened up a Pandoras box of things. What if someone live streams a show, a sports match, your kids in the school play, copyrighted things, and so on… its early days for sure, its mega exciting, and I can see livestreaming going totally crazy over the next few weeks / months.

My Advice

Download the App from here:  Check out some streams, and then give it a go. Try for yourself to see if you like it, learn how to use it etc.. in my view livestreaming is certainly here to stay and I really do think that going forward its going to be hugely valuable to businesses to embrace this new piece of technology..

by Mark Shaw